STEM Action Center Professional Learning Grant to Attend NSTA Regional Conf.
October 24-26, 2019
Does your District already have a Professional Learning Project Grant? If you do, your LEA will complete the Amendment form here. Due by March 29th, Kellie Yates will take care of it. You will be informed by May 1st the amount allotted. No additional paperwork. If you do not know if your district already has the grant contact your LEA or Kellie Yates.
If your District does not already have the grant follow these steps. You will want to read through this document to see the detailed requirements. It looks long but is very doable! Individuals or schools may apply. Due March 29th. Notification May 6, 2019. Signatures due July 1, 2019. Moneys sent to LEA September 1, 2019. NSTA Conference October 24-26. Quarterly reports due Sept 30, Jan 30. Final Reports due June 1, 2020.
1. Create an account here.
2. Select the Grant called Professional Learning FY20-22
3. Choose 1 year
4. There will be 6 sections.
a. Section 1: Applicant Information
b. Section 2: Reviewer Information
c. Section 3:STEM Professional Learning Goals: Choose one, be able to show change.
i. Follow the sample chart on timeline
ii. Budget: registration, substitutes, camera, travel/lodging if over 100 miles one direction, cap of $1,200 per teacher average.
d. Section 4: Sustainability - statement of continuing goal and pedagogy
e. Section 5: Assessment - Statements of plan, ie. # of teachers, Attend conf, video tape each teacher twice for SELF reflection, videos will be kept on your choice of format, all teachers meet in April 2020 to reflect together. Grant Admin needs a tracking system and reflection form. Kellie is working on a sample.
f. Section 6: Organization and Self Reflection
5. Signatures
If you have any questions contact Kellie Yates at or Dawn Monson at
Dawn Monson
UtSTA Executive Director
NSTA Local Arrangements Manager SLC Area Conference